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2024-02-07 07:13:16
美[sændˌwɜːt]  英[sændˌwɜːt]
n.  蚤缀属植物


  1. loosely matted plant with moss-like foliage studded with tiny starry four-petaled white blossoms; mountains of central and southern Europe
  2. low-growing herb having clusters of small white four-petaled flowers
  3. low-growing chiefly perennial plant usually with small white flowers suitable for e.g. rock gardens


  1. The area west of the Mangos was a barren waste, while in the east, where sand dunes rippled, desert plants like sandwort and wormwood grew sparsely. 莽古斯沙漠往西的纵深地区,是寸草不长的死漠,靠近东侧的凸凹连绵的坨包区,还长有些稀疏的沙蓬、苦艾、白蒿子等沙漠植物。
  2. Study on the effects and mechanism in naphtha of sandwort on antiinflammatory reactions 鹅不食草挥发油抗炎作用及机理研究
  3. boreal or alpine sandwort. 北方高山地区的一种石竹科植物。
  4. creepingthymeleaf sandwort herb 小无心菜
  5. Kansu sandwort herb 雪灵芝