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2024-02-07 07:24:16
美  英
n.  (印度的)协会;联合会(尤指政治或劳工组织)


  1. A few people like Sridhar Rana Rinpoche who established Byoma Kusuma Sangh in Bishal Nagar, Kathmandu, id contributing a lot to Buddhism in Nepal . 另外,我认为很多人对在尼泊尔推广佛教都功不可没,像是喜瑞德汉兰纳仁波切(SridharRanaRimpoche),他在加德满都的BishalNagar创立了ByomaKusumaSangh来推广佛教。
  2. Rajnikanth did his schooling at the Acharya Paatshala in Bangalore and then at the Vivekananda Balak Sangh, a unit of the Ramakrishna Mission. Rajnikanth他的学校在Paatshala阿查里亚在班加罗尔,然后在维伟卡南达Balak同盟,一个单位的罗摩克里希纳团。
  3. Annadurai was flayed in his lifetime by the Jan Sangh, which spearheaded the anti-English agitation of the 1960s.One of those agitators was Atal Behari Vajpayee. 安纳德瑞终其一生被加桑党严苛批评,加桑党是1960年代反英语运动的先锋,其中一位运动者叫做瓦杰帕伊(编按:前印度总理)。
  4. One major component of the Janata coalition is the Bharatiya Janata Party, dominated by the Hindu nationalist grouping, Jana Sangh, which is abhorred by all the minorities. 印度人民党是人民党选举联盟的一个主要组成部分,该党的主要成员又是印度教派组织人民同盟,而这个组织却是所有少数民族所憎恶的。
  5. The Jan Sangh in 1963 launched a violent agitation for abolishing English not only in official use but in shop signs, street signs and even car number plates. 1963年印度人民党前身加桑党发动了一场暴力运动,意图不只要废止官方使用英语,一般商家、车号牌等也不能使用英语标示。