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2024-02-07 07:35:17
美[sæŋgwɪnɪəs]  英[sæŋgwɪnɪəs]
adj.  血的;血红色的;多血质的


  1. accompanied by bloodshed;

    "this bitter and sanguinary war"


  1. Herpetic cervicitis, because of its necrotising nature, frequently produces a sanguineous vaginal discharge. 疱疹性宫颈炎,由于其坏死性,往往产生貌带下。
  2. The rate of malignancy of sanguineous pleural effusion was 77.1%and yellow pleural effusion was 53.0%. 血性胸液中恶性占77.;1%25,草黄色胸液中恶性占53
  3. Matre Simon Sanguin,the elector of the Nation of Picardy,with his wife on the saddle behind him. 庇卡底的选董西蒙·桑甘老公来了,他带着老婆,让她坐在骡子屁股上。
  4. Matre Simon Sanguin, the elector of the Nation of Picardy, with his wife on the saddle behind him. 庇卡底的选董西蒙·桑甘老公来了,他带着老婆,让她坐在骡子屁股上。”
  5. This paint,I stress expressing the sky and the ground below the sanguineous set,the war-smoke closes over the sky,the war-horse is braying. 新作[血色苍茫]这幅作品,我着重表现了苍茫血色映衬下的天与地,烽烟蔽日,战马嘶鸣。
  6. Then there appear patches of vesicles in the size of mung bean or soybean which are sanguineous or pustular and lined bandlike. 皮疹呈簇集状水泡,水疱如绿豆或黄豆大小,中间夹以血疱或脓疱,排列如带状。