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2024-02-07 08:37:17
美[səfiːnə]  英[səfiːnə]
n.  [解]隐静脉
  形容词:saphenous  名词复数:saphenae


  1. Method : We accept indwelling needle at vena saphena magna near medial malleolus and cephanus vena at wrist. 方法:选择下肢内踝大隐静脉和上肢腕部头静脉,使用静脉留置针。
  2. Objective:To study clinical applications of Autogenous vena saphena vein in arterial occlusive diseases. 目的:探讨自体大隐静脉在动脉闭塞性疾病中的应用。
  3. In operation vena saphena magna in 1 case was injured.7 cases felt knee joint pain after operation. 术中损伤大隐静脉1例,术后关节疼痛7例。
  4. In operation vena saphena magna in 1 case was injured.7 cases felt knee joint pain after operation.Conclusion It i... 术中损伤大隐静脉1例,术后关节疼痛7例。
  5. Results The choice vena saphena magna or the vein puncture success ratio are high, also can supplement the blood volume rapidly therefore wins precious time. 结果选择大隐静脉或头静脉穿刺成功率较高,且能够迅速补充血容量,在短时间内为失血性休克病人的抢救赢得了宝贵时间。
  6. Keywords Saphena;Periost flap;Nonunion;Tibia; 隐血管;骨膜瓣;骨不连;胫骨;