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2024-02-07 08:54:16
美[seɪpɔː]  英[seɪpɔː]
n.  味;风味


  1. The fish is very tender and The sapor is very delicious. 鱼肉很嫩而且口味很好,特别值得一提的是鲫鱼汤。
  2. The "Sapor" brand flavor is the result of using the advand China. 味觉莱恩香精公司生产的味觉牌香精是中、美两国食用香精行业先进生产工艺的结晶。
  3. Will standardization of dishes destroy its flavor or make all dishes take on single sapor? 菜肴标准化会不会破坏菜肴风味,让所有菜都变成一个味?
  4. Aluminum foil has characteristics of no poisonous, no sapor, and preventing light and so on, so it is widely used in every domain in our society. 铝箔由于无毒、无味、闭光等一系列优越的特性,而被广泛地应用于国民经济的各个领域。但是国内铝箔的消费还远远赶不上国外的水平。
  5. Hoelersa,Azarbel,rets caras sapor aye pora cacotamo lopidon ardagal margas poston eulia buget Kephar,Solzeth,Karne phaca ghedolossalese tata. 效用:让别人感到你身边有很多人。准备方法:抓起一把沙子,并对着沙子下咒:“Anachi;Jeovah.