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2024-02-07 09:09:17
美[sæprəˌlaɪt]  英[sæprəlaɪt]
n.  [地]腐泥土;残余土


  1. a deposit of clay and disintegrating rock that is found in its original place


  1. A complete laterite profile should be made up of laterite layer, parti-color clay layer and carbonate rock saprolite. 完整的红土剖面应该由红土层、杂色粘土层和碳酸盐岩腐岩组成。
  2. Weathered rock is the predecessor of saprolite and is mainly made of corestones surrounded by saprolite crust. 土层可贮存上层滞水,风化岩带则可赋存潜水或承压水。
  3. The porous nature of the saprolite is directly related to the high porosity of Andisols in this study area. 腐石之多孔性特性则直接与此研究区灰烬土之高孔隙率有关。
  4. Carbonate rock saprolite is formed in zones of alteration and made up of travertine and residual carbonate crystals. 碳酸盐岩腐岩形成于包气带,由原岩中的碳酸盐溶解后再次沉淀形成,主要由钙华和残馀碳酸盐晶体组成。
  5. From the earth s surface to fresh bedrock the profile of slope may be divided into soil zone,saprolite zone and weathered rock zone. 从地表到新鲜岩体,随着水岩化学作用程度的逐渐减弱,斜坡剖面可依次划分为土层、腐岩带和风化岩带,各带之间多是渐变过渡的。
  6. From the earths surface to fresh bedrock the profile of slope may be divided into soil zone, saprolite zone and weathered rock zone. 从地表到新鲜岩体,随着水岩化学作用程度的逐渐减弱,斜坡剖面可依次划分为土层、腐岩带和风化岩带,各带之间多是渐变过渡的。