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2024-02-07 09:11:17
美[sæproʊˌfaɪt]  英[sæprəʊfaɪt]
n.  腐生物
  形容词:saprophytic  副词:saprophytically


  1. an organism that feeds on dead organic matter especially a fungus or bacterium


  1. The "saprophyte" B may become a threat to A. “腐生植物”b可能构成对A的威胁。
  2. A plant, such as a parasite or saprophyte, that obtains its nourishment from other living or dead organisms. 异养植物一株从其他的活的或死的有机物身上得到养分的植物,如寄生植物或腐生植物
  3. A plant,such as a parasite or saprophyte,that obtains its nourishment from other living or dead organisms. 异养植物一株从其他的活的或死的有机物身上得到养分的植物,如寄生植物或腐生植物
  4. Saprobe (saprophyte) An organism that derives its nourishment by absorbing the products or remains of other organisms. 腐生植物:该类生物直接以其他生物的光合产物或遗体为营养来源。
  5. A fleshy white or reddish plant(Monotropa hypopithys)growing as a saprophyte or parasite on tree roots and having racemes with a few drooping flowers. 水晶兰一种肉质的白色或红色植物(毛花松下兰水晶兰属),长在树根上作为腐生物和寄生虫,具有带一些垂下花的总状花序
  6. A fleshy white or reddish plant(Monotropa hypopithys) growing as a saprophyte or parasite on tree roots and having racemes with a few drooping flowers. 水晶兰一种肉质的白色或红色植物(毛花松下兰水晶兰属),长在树根上作为腐生物和寄生虫,具有带一些垂下花的总状花序