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2024-02-07 09:38:17
美[sɑːkoʊˌkɑːp]  英[sɑːkəʊkɑːp]
n.  果肉;中果皮;肉果


  1. The sarcocarp is crimson, less seeds and high edible rate. 果肉深红色,少籽,可食率高,汁胞软脆,多汁,化渣,甜酸适口,风味浓。
  2. Part oneFructus corni is dry ripe sarcocarp of Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc. ,family Cornaceae. 山茱萸(Fructus corni)为山茱萸科植物山茱萸(Cornus officinalis Sieb.;et Zucc
  3. Definition: Cornus Fruit is the sarcocarp of the pseudocarp of Cornus officinalis Siebold et Zuccarini (Cornaceae). 本品为茱萸可植物山茱萸 Cornus officinalis Siebold et Zuccarini 假果的果肉。
  4. Fruit plucks summer when mature , gets rid of area sarcocarp kernel shell , fetches the kernel , airing. 夏季果实成熟时采摘,除区果肉及果核壳,取种仁,晾干。
  5. The change of fruit anatomical structure shows cell of exocarp, sarcocarp and endocarp division and enlargement. 果实生长发育在解剖结构上表现为果实外果皮、中果皮及内果皮三部分细胞的分裂与膨大。
  6. Fruit plucks summer when mature , gets rid of area sarcocarp and kernel shell , fetches the kernel , airing. 夏季果实成熟时采摘,除区果肉及果核壳,取种仁,晾干。