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2024-02-07 10:12:17
美[sɑːdənɪks]  英[sɑːdənɪks]
n.  红条纹玛瑙


  1. an onyx characterized by parallel layers of sard and a different colored mineral


  1. Onyx which is reddish brown and white is known as sardonyx. 色与白色,则称为缠丝玛瑙。
  2. Sardonyx was highly valued in Rome, especially for seals, because it was said never to stick to the wax. 在罗马时代,缠丝玛瑙是极为贵重,尤其是用来制成的印章,因为封信用的蜡绝不会残留在。
  3. Sardonyx suits to all cotton and linen fabrics to provide overall whiteness of the work and improve color. 适合棉质,床单和混纺织物等。
  4. It shall not be compared with the dyed colours of India, or with the most precious stone sardonyx, or the sapphire. 敖非尔金不能与她较量,宝石和碧玉也不能与她相比。
  5. NIV] the fifth sardonyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. [和合]第五是红玛瑙,第六是红宝石,第七是黄璧玺;第八是水苍玉;第九是红璧玺;第十是翡翠;第十一是紫玛瑙;第十二是紫晶。
  6. Varieties include Blue Agate, Blue Lace Agate, Crazy Lace Agate, Green Agate, Indian Agate, Moss Agate, Fire Agate, Tree Agate, Onyx, Sardonyx and Wood Agate. 从种类上讲,玛瑙可分为蓝色玛瑙、蓝纹玛瑙、乱纹玛瑙、绿玛瑙、印度玛瑙、火玛瑙、树玛瑙、缟玛瑙、红条纹玛瑙和木玛瑙。