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2024-02-07 11:18:16
美[ˌsætəlɪtɪk]  英[sætəlɪtɪk]
adj.  卫星的


  1. The central library and satellitic departmental libraries. 总图书馆和附属的系图书馆。
  2. Invests in electronic police, TV monitor and satellitic satellite. 经营主业Business Scope: 投资于电子警察、电视监控和卫星定位。
  3. Many participator passes through satellitic communication contest to cast in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Italy. 多名参与者在香港、上海和意大利透过卫星通讯竞投。
  4. But also somebody thinks the exact rate of satellitic picture is too high, let people feel as if got monitor. 但是也有人认为卫星照片的精确程度太高,让人们感到仿佛受到了监视。
  5. With the development of aerotechnics satellitic communication becomes more and more important. 随着航天科技的发展,卫星通讯显得越来越重要。
  6. Trucks with cushion to avoid shake for expensive and delicate equipments with satellitic track. 针对贵重的,精密食品的全气垫运输,全程卫星定位跟踪。