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2024-02-07 11:48:16
美[sætʃərəbl]  英[sætʃərəbl]
adj.  可饱和的(可浸透的)


  1. The students are going to a dance party on Satur. 学生们在星期六晚上要去参加一个舞会。
  2. The presence of saturable absorber also has influence on laser mode. 本文提出可饱和吸收体Cr4+:YAG在激光谐振腔中可具有横模选择的作用。
  3. Impacts of Logarithmically Saturable Nonlinear Media on Gaussian Beams[J]. 引用该论文 李大义;唐永林;陈建国;康俊;张科军.
  4. This paper studies the derivation of a qualitative description for the magnetization curve of saturable magnetic materials. 摘要本文针对饱和磁性材料,推导其磁化曲线的定性描述。
  5. The parameter selection and design of the saturable reactor for HV motor start are introduced. The examples are presented. 摘要介绍了高压电机起动用饱和电抗器参数的选择及电抗器的设计,并给出了具体实例。
  6. A passively Q-switched laser was reported by using Cr4+:YAG as saturable absorber and KTP as nonlinear crystal. 报道了一种LD泵浦的被动调QNd:LuVO4激光器;其中;Cr4+:YAG作为可饱和吸收体;KTP作为倍频晶体.