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2024-02-07 11:49:17
美[sætʃərənt]  英[sætʃərənt]
adj.  使饱和的
n.  饱和剂


  1. The students are going to a dance party on Satur. 学生们在星期六晚上要去参加一个舞会。
  2. The results of investigation into nucleation show that temperature and time have little influence on tne amount of saturant acid crystallized. 对成核过程的研究表明:成核温度和成核时间对饱和酸结晶量的影响很小。
  3. Today is Satur day. Im very happy. why? becourse I play happy,so Im very happy! 今天是星期六,我十分开心。为什么?因为我玩得开心,所以我很开心。
  4. Whirlpool-type high pressure recycle water cooling, double-stage vibrating dewater and granular net filter system ensures the finished granular even, saturant and glossy. 漩涡式高压迴圈水冷却,双级振动式脱水及胶粒过滤系统,使粒子颗粒均匀有光泽且外型清洁美观。
  5. This paper presents the parameter selection and design method of saturant reactor for the start of high-voltage ac motor. The concrete example is given. 摘要介绍高压电机起动用饱和电抗器参数的选择及设计方法,并给出了具体例子。
  6. The system can monitor ECG, respiration, body temperature, non-invasive blood pressure, oxygen satur ation and pulse rate simultaneously. 该系统能够同时无创监测心电、呼吸、体温、无创血压、血氧饱和度、脉率等六项生理参数。