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2024-02-07 11:55:17
美[ˌsætərneɪliə]  英[ˌsætəneɪliə]
n.  Saturnalia.
sp.  农神节(古罗马节日;从12月17日开始共7天)


  1. an orgiastic festival in ancient Rome in honor of Saturn
  2. a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity


  1. The father replied: "It is the Saturnalia. 父亲回答:“这是庆丰收的土神节。”
  2. The Romans called this celebration Saturnalia, in honor of their god Saturn. 古罗马人称其为农神节,为了纪念他们的神“萨杜恩”。
  3. Saturnalia was considered a festive time for Romans, but Christians believed it an abomination(3) to honor such a pagan(4) god. 农神节本来是罗马人狂欢的日子,但是基督教不喜欢人们祭拜一个异教神。
  4. The custom of gift-giving on Christmas began with the Roman festivals of Saturnalia and Kalends. 圣诞节赠送礼物的风俗起源于罗马的神农节和朔日节。
  5. Always, during the Saturnalia and on holidays he admitted his more pampered slaves to his dining-room. 通常,在狂欢节和假日他允许更多放纵的奴隶到他的餐厅。
  6. Their festival was called Saturnalia which began the middle of December and ended January 1st. 一般在消失35天之后,将有一行人被派往山顶迎接太阳的归来。