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2024-02-07 12:00:17
美[sætərnaɪn]  英[sætənaɪn]
adj.  忧郁的;铅中毒的;受土星影响的;沉默寡言的;讥讽的


  1. 忧郁的
  2. 铅中毒的
  3. 受土星影响而出生的,土星转世的
  4. 沉默寡言的
  5. 讥讽的,讥诮的
  6. 阴沉的
  7. 不愉快的
  8. 性情乖僻的
  9. 严肃的
  10. 铅的
  11. 呆滞的
  12. 受土星影响的


  1. bitter or scornful;

    "the face was saturnine and swarthy, and the sensual lips...twisted with disdain"

  2. showing a brooding ill humor;

    "a dark scowl" "the proverbially dour New England Puritan" "a glum, hopeless shrug" "he sat in moody silence" "a morose and unsociable manner" "a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius" "a sour temper" "a sullen crowd"


  1. The saturnine faces of the judges. 法官们那阴沉的脸色
  2. Do not be misled by his saturnine contenance. 别被他阴郁的外表欺骗了。
  3. Just how bad is the saturnine Hogwarts professor? 这位阴沉的霍格沃兹教授究竟有多邪恶?
  4. My former roommate was a saturnine scholar who said very little and smiled rarely. 我前一位室友是一位沉默的学者,他很少说话也很少笑。
  5. Saturnin drew from his inside pocket a worn, greasy wallet and proudly displayed a torn photograph. 萨特宁从衣服内面口袋掏出一只破旧不堪、油渍斑斑的皮夹子,骄傲地拿出一张破照片。
  6. Saturnin drew from his inside pocket a worn,greasy wallet and proudly displayed a torn photograph. 萨特宁从衣服内面口袋掏出一只破旧不堪、油渍斑斑的皮夹子,骄傲地拿出一张破照片。