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2024-02-07 12:18:17
美[sɔːsɪli]  英[sɔːsɪli]
adv.  傲慢地;莽撞地


  1. in an impudent or impertinent manner;

    "a lean, swarthy fellow was peering through the window, grinning impudently"


  1. The servants likewise used me saucily, and had much ado to keep their hands off me. 有几个仆人对我很无礼,要他们的手不碰我是很难的。
  2. It was showered and flounced with cream-colored Chantilly lace that had come from Charleston on the last blockader, and Maybelle was flaunting it as saucily as if she and not the famous Captain Butler had run the blockade. 衣服上镶着大量奶油色的上等花边,那是从查尔斯顿最后一艘封锁舰上弄来的,梅贝尔为此大肆炫耀,仿佛干这次偷越封锁线买卖的不是大名鼎鼎的巴特勒船长而是她自己呢。
  3. used me saucily, and had much ado to keep their hands off me. 有几个仆人对我很无礼,要他们的手不碰我是很难的。
  4. “Gossip Girl” reversed course and found a way saucily to make a virtue of vacuity and viciousness. “绯闻女孩”颠倒是非,用另一种方式填补你的空虚和小邪恶。