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2024-02-07 12:36:17
美[sɒrɪ]  英[sɔːrɪ]
n.  刀鱼;竹刀鱼;秋刀鱼


  1. 针鱼
  2. 刀鱼
  3. 【鱼】长颌竹刀鱼
  4. 竹刀鱼
  5. 秋刀鱼
  6. 竹荚鱼
  7. 索里 (音译名)


  1. slender long-beaked fish of temperate Atlantic waters


  1. In one classroom of a school in the western district of Sauri, two-thirds of the children are AIDS orphans. 据了解,在萨乌日西部地区一个学校的教室里,三分之二的孩子都因携带艾滋病而成为孤儿。
  2. Buying Mackerel 400-500g, 300-400g, Saury all size, competitive price, from China, Taiwan. 购买青花400-500克,300400克,秋刀鱼所有规模,有竞争力的价格,来自中国,台湾。
  3. Gray correlation theory and stomach content method were used to build the relationship between the distributions of zooplanktons and Pacific saury. 分别利用灰色关联和胃含物法对其与秋刀鱼渔场分布之间的关系进行了探讨。
  4. Veterans of the aid world tend to doubt whether the locals, even with state help, will be able to keep Sauri successful. 但是援助团的一些深资专家却疑虑地方政府在州治的帮助下是否有能力来完成萨乌里的扶贫事业。
  5. Saury fishery is an important fishery in the Northwest Pacific. Now there are four countries and regions engaged in the fishery. 秋刀鱼渔业是西北太平洋的重要渔业之一,现在开展这一渔业的有四个国家和地区。
  6. Some kind of fish such bronze fish and saury, which disappeared for many years, has been found in Yellow River mouth area. 80年代消失的黄河铜鱼又重新成群显现,多年未见的黄河刀鱼也在黄河口恢复生机。