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2024-02-07 12:59:17
美[sævɪn]  英[sævɪn]
n.  双子柏


  1. He abandoned his wife and went away with all their savin gs. 他抛弃了妻子并带走了他们所有的积蓄。
  2. In recent years,the savin plant has been found with excellent insecticidal activity. 西北农林科技大学无公害农药研究服务中心陕西杨凌;
  3. In recent years, the savin plant has been found that has excellent insecticidal activity. 近年来,中国还发现该植物是一种优秀的杀虫植物,并对其杀虫作用进行了较为系统的研究。
  4. The tattoo uniquely identifies the pig enabling it to be traced back, at anytime, to Savin Hill Farm. 这样不论在任何时候,都能知道这些猪来自SavinHill农场。
  5. Savin(Sabina vulgaris) is a shrub variety located in North China,which has a important function for protecting environment. 作者单位:西北农林科技大学无公害农药研究服务中心;
  6. Park CH,Amare M,Savin MA et al.Growth suppression of human leukemic cells in vitro by asearbic cacid[J].Cancer Res,1980,40:1062. 姜绪荣;林慧娴;刘丹丹;等.;亚硒酸钠抗白血病作用实验研究的初步探讨[J]