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2024-02-07 13:07:17
美[seɪvə]  英[seɪvə]
n.  味道; 气味; 滋味
vi.  有 ... 的味道或风味
vt.  调味; 品尝; 欣赏
sp.  =savour(英)
  形容词:savorous  名词:savorer  过去式:savored  过去分词:savored  现在分词:savoring  第三人称单数:savors


  1. 滋味,味道
  2. 气味
  3. 风味,特色
  4. 食欲
  5. 爱好
  6. 香,香味
  7. 一点儿,几分
  8. 兴味,趣味,风趣
  9. 意味
  10. 名声,名气
  11. 特定的味道或气味
  1. =savour(英)
  1. 有...的气味
  2. 使有风味
  3. 品尝,尝到
  4. 欣赏,玩味,赏味,鉴赏
  5. <喻>品味
  6. 给…加调味品
  7. 有...味道,有…的滋味
  8. 给...增加滋味,使有味
  9. 意味,带有…的性质
  10. 尽情享受


  1. the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth
  1. derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in;

    "She relished her fame and basked in her glory"

  2. have flavor; taste of something
  3. taste appreciatively;

    "savor the soup"

  4. give taste to


  1. Love life, only to survive in order to savor the taste of life, and feel the warmth of life, and create a brilliant life!珍爱生命,只有生存下去,才能体味生命的滋味,感受生命的温暖,创造生命的辉煌!
  2. He needs to savor his victory.他需要享受胜利的滋味。
  1. So the next time you savor a new candy or potato chip, thank the flavorists.所以下回你品尝新口味的糖果或土豆片时,要特别感谢这些调味学家。
  2. I will savor its taste and give thanks.一口一口,细细品尝,满怀感激。
  3. So the next time you savor a new candy or potato chip, thank the flavorists.所以下回你品尝新口味的糖果或土豆片时,要特别感谢这些调味学家。
  4. I will savor all the various flavors life has to offer.我会欣赏生命中一切酸甜苦辣。
  5. Id love to savor the dulcet tones of the Marine Band while swapping off-color jokes with a high-level Republican war criminal.其实我挺乐意一边欣赏缅因州乐队的美妙旋律,一边和共和党的战争贩子交换低俗的玩笑。