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2024-02-07 13:24:16
美[sɔːˌfɪʃ]  英[sɔːfɪʃ]
n.  锯鲛


  1. primitive ray with sharp teeth on each edge of a long flattened snout


  1. Some species, such as the sawfish, have disappeared completely. 与此同时,联合国环境计划署公布了一份报告,指出:由于外国船只的过度捕捞,非洲西海岸的捕鱼业已经受到了严重影响,一些鱼类(如锯鳐)已经完全灭绝了。
  2. Beginning next month,an international agreement will provide protection for all seven of the worlds sawfish species. 从下个月开始,一项国际协定将向世界上所有七个种类的锯鳐提供保护。
  3. The one sawfish species that did not receive the highest level of protection is a freshwater sawfish found in Australia. 目前唯一一种未被列为高度保护的钜鲛,为发现于澳洲的淡水锯鲛。
  4. The Crest of U-Flotilla 1, an unofficial emblem worn on the cap, as seen in the photo of Herbert Werner U-593 who also wears the laughing sawfish emblem. U-Flotilla 1艇队的帽徽:一种戴在帽子上的非正式徽章.;下面的照片是一名U-593上的军官,我们可以看到该徽章与笑口锯鳐徽章同时出现。
  5. Round the tip of Africa and into the Indian Ocean, and he passed by devilfish and sailfish and sawfish and swordfish and bluefish and blackfish and mudfish and some fish, and he was amazed by the different shapes and sizes and colors. 形形色色的鱼从他身边游过,有章鱼、旗鱼、锯鳐、箭鱼、竹荚鱼、黑鲸、泥鱼等等,他惊异于各种鱼类的不同形状、形体和颜色。
  6. hand sawfish 北方帆蜥鱼