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2024-02-07 14:02:17
美  英
adj.  可潜没的


  1. SBM2 module is processed from another SBM . SBM2模块由另一SBM模块进行处理。
  2. The development of SBM needs support from the talent people. SBM公司的可持续发展,需要人才的支撑。
  3. The advantages of new generation SBM are introduced. 对新一代合成基钻井液体系的优点作了介绍。
  4. Taiwan also considers employing patent to protect SBM. 中国台湾省也正对商业方法软件采取专利保护。
  5. Objective: To study CT features of single brain metastasis (SBM) . 目的:探讨颅脑单发转移瘤的CT表现特征。
  6. Influence by the ieda of school-based management (SBM), the school evaluation as a strategy is going towards the school-based evaluation (SBE). 在校本管理理念的影响下,学校评价作为一种重要的学校管理手段也渐渐地走向了“校本”。