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2024-02-07 14:33:17
美[skeɪl]  英[skeɪl]
n.  刻度;等级,规模;音阶;量程;天枰,磅秤;鳞片,鳞状物
v.  攀登;按比例决定;称重;刮鳞;剥落
  形容词:scalelike  过去式:scaled  过去分词:scaled  现在分词:scaling  第三人称单数:scales


  1. 刻度,尺度,标度
  2. 等级,级别, 等级体系
  3. 规模
  4. 磅秤,天平(盘)
  5. 鳞(片)
  6. 范围
  7. 音阶
  8. 程度
  9. 水垢,水锈
  10. 牙垢,牙石
  1. 攀登, 到达…顶点
  2. 去鳞,刮去...的鳞片
  3. 刮除牙石
  4. 改变…的大小
  5. 减少(数量),缩小
  6. 增大,扩大
  7. 按重量把...分成均等部分
  8. 剥去...的介壳
  9. 用缩尺绘制
  10. 按比例排列
  11. 依比例决定
  12. 剥落
  13. 用梯子爬上
  14. 爬越
  15. 变成梯子,成梯形
  16. 逐步攀登,逐渐增高,逐步升高
  17. 用秤称,把...过秤,称…的重量
  18. 调节
  19. 安排
  20. 测量,量材积,估量,衡量


  1. [P] 鱼鳞,鳞片 any of the thin overlapping plates of hard material covering the skin of many fish and reptiles
  2. [C] 鳞状物; 障眼物 thing resembling this, especially a loose flake of diseased skin or eyes
  3. [S] [U] 水垢,水锈 a hard covering on the inside of pots, hot-water pipes, etc.
  4. [C] 刻度,度数 series of marks at regular distances for the purpose of measuring
  5. [C] 比例(尺) relation between the actual size of sth and the map, diagram, etc. which represents it
  6. [U] [C] 规模 relative size, extent, etc.
  7. [C] 等级,级别 grade; rank
  8. [C] 音阶 an arrangement of notes in a system of music
  9. [C] 记(数)法,…(进)法 system of units for measuring
  10. [P] 天平,磅秤 balance or instrument for weighing
  1. vt. 攀登,爬 climb up sth
  2. vt. 刮去(鱼等)的鳞片 remove the small flat hard pieces of skin from a fish


  1. an ordered reference standard;

    "judging on a scale of 1 to 10"

  2. relative magnitude;

    "they entertained on a grand scale"

  3. the ratio between the size of something and a representation of it;

    "the scale of the map" "the scale of the model"

  4. a specialized leaf or bract that protects a bud or catkin
  5. a thin flake of dead epidermis shed from the surface of the skin
  6. (music) a series of notes differing in pitch according to a specific scheme (usually within an octave)
  7. a measuring instrument for weighing; shows amount of mass
  8. an indicator having a graduated sequence of marks
  9. a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)
  10. a flattened rigid plate forming part of the body covering of many animals
  1. measure by or as if by a scale;

    "This bike scales only 25 pounds"

  2. pattern, make, regulate, set, measure, or estimate according to some rate or standard
  3. take by attacking with scaling ladders;

    "The troops scaled the walls of the fort"

  4. reach the highest point of;

    "We scaled the Mont Blanc"

  5. climb up by means of a ladder
  6. remove the scales from;

    "scale fish"

  7. measure with or as if with scales;

    "scale the gold"

  8. size or measure according to a scale;

    "This model must be scaled down"


  1. scrape the scales off a fish刮鱼鳞
  2. diminish〔enlarge〕 the scale of缩小〔扩大〕…的规模
  3. practice the scales练音阶
  4. sing scale吊嗓子
  5. hold the scale裁判
  1. the adequate scale适当的规模
  2. the calculating scale计算尺
  3. the circular scale刻度盘
  4. the decimal scale十进位制
  5. the nationwide scale全国范围
  1. the pay〔salary, wage〕 scale工资级别
  2. the union scale工会会员的等级
  3. the world scale全球规模
  4. the beam scale杆秤
  5. the table scale台秤
  1. in a scale在一定程度上
  2. on a scale of按…的比例
  3. be drawn to scale按比例绘制
  4. on the scale在天平上
  1. scale a tree by ladders用梯子爬树
  1. scale a tree爬树


  1. How much does it read on the scale?刻度显示的是多少?
  2. The force of the wind is measured on a standard scale of 0-12.风力是按0-12级标准等级测量的。
  3. The fifth note of a scale is called a dominant.音阶的第五音被称为属音。
  1. It takes courage and strength to scale these cliffs.攀登这些悬崖需要勇气和力量。
  2. The company has begun to scale down its operations in Asia.这家公司已开始减少在亚洲的业务。