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2024-02-07 14:44:17
美[skeɪlɪnɪs]  英[skeɪlɪnɪs]
n.  起鳞程度


  1. the property of being scaly


  1. At seven-thirty Friday evening Scali passed this word along. 星期五晚上七时半,斯卡利把话传了过去。
  2. The second silver lining was an early morning report from John Scali at the UN. 第二个可喜的消息是驻联合国的约翰·斯卡利清早发出的报告。
  3. The better skin nutrition the less its scaliness and roughness, and more improved its thickness and hydration. 皮肤的营养越好,鳞片度和粗糙度就越低,并能进一步提高皮肤的厚度和水合作用。
  4. Lotions, bath solutions and other nonprescription topical preparations to help soothe symptoms and reduce scaliness. 洗液、沐浴露及其它非处方外用制剂可帮助缓解症状及减少鳞片。
  5. To that end I instructed our nimble UN Ambassador John Scali, to consume the evening in "consultations". 为此,我指示我们驻联合国大使,机智的约翰?斯卡利把晚上的时间用于进行“磋商”。
  6. According to dermatologists, you only need a moisturizer if your skin experiences the following: redness, scaliness or itchiness. 根据皮肤科医生的说法,只有在你的肌肤出现以下状况时你才需要润肤霜:发红、多鳞或发痒。