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2024-02-07 14:48:16
美[skæliən]  英[skæliən]
n.  小洋葱;冬葱


  1. plant having a large slender white bulb and flat overlapping dark green leaves; used in cooking; believed derived from the wild Allium ampeloprasum
  2. a young onion before the bulb has enlarged; eaten in salads


  1. Tubular and hollow,as the leaves of a scallion. 管状的,中空的如韭葱的叶子的中空如管的
  2. How about fried mution with scallion? 那么葱爆肉怎么样呢?
  3. Sprinkle with some scallion and dish off. 滚后翻炒,加上葱即可盛上。
  4. What a nice snowflake and scallion horse. 哈哈,好一匹雪花青葱马。
  5. Dice tofu (about 400g) and chop scallion. 将豆腐、葱花切丁备用。
  6. Tubular and hollow, as the leaves of a scallion. 管状的,中空的如韭葱的叶子的中空如管的