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2024-02-07 15:18:17
美[skændiəm]  英[skændiəm]
n.  金属元素之一;符号为Sc;原子序为21
  形容词:scandic  简写符号:Sc


  1. a white trivalent metallic element; sometimes classified in the rare earth group; occurs in the Scandinavian mineral thortveitite


  1. A fluorigenic reaction of salicylaldehyde benzoylhydrazone (SABH) with scandium was studied in detail. 研究了水杨醛苯甲酰腙(SABH)与抗荧光反应新体系的最佳条件。
  2. The purity 99.99% of scandium oxide(Sc 2O 3) was prepared from tungstenic slag with extraction process. 用萃取法从钨矿渣制得纯度为99.99%25的氧化钪。
  3. Then the new technology in preparation of high purity scandium metal was proposed and its purification mechanism w. 然后给出了用真空蒸馏法制备高纯金属钪的新工艺,并对其提纯机制作了探讨。
  4. PMBPmediated emulsion liquid membrane Was developed to extract scandium from a mixture. 我们得到PMBP为载体的乳状液膜从混合液中提取钪。
  5. The distribution in nature,application,and extraction technology of scandium are introduced. 论述了稀散元素钪在自然界中的分布、应用状况及提取技术。
  6. This paper describes the acidity changes across the membrane when various carriers were used to extract scandium. 本文报导了使用不同载体萃取钪时,液膜内外相的酸度变化。