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2024-02-07 15:21:16
美[skænɪŋ]  英[skænɪŋ]
n.  扫描;观测;快读;[医]放射性扫描
adj.  扫描的;扫掠的;搜索的;观测的
sp.  动词scan的现在分词.


  1. the process of translating photographs into a digital form that can be recognized by a computer
  2. the act of systematically moving a finely focused beam of light or electrons over a surface in order to produce an image of it for analysis or transmission


  1. These messages then go on to antivirus scanning for processing.然后,继续对这些邮件进行防病毒扫描,以便处理。
  2. Scanning was first used in the transmission of pictures by telegraph.扫描首先是被用在用电报机传送图像上。
  3. Step scanning is an expedient technique.分段移位测量是一个实用的方法。
  4. It is very important to use the reading techniques of skimming, scanning, guessing, predicting, inferring, etc.注意运用略读、查读、猜测与预测、推论等阅读技巧。
  5. First of all, you need to do a CT scanning.首先,你需要做一个CT扫描。
  1. Youll go to a scanning studio and get measured.你去扫描室量一下体形。
  2. Send a scanning crew on board.I want every part of this ship checked.派查巡队上船,我要这条船每部位都彻底查巡。