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2024-02-07 15:42:16
美[skæpjələ]  英[skæpjʊlə]
n.  (僧侣的)无袖法衣;肩章;[动]肩翼
adj.  肩膀的;肩胛的


  1. a feather covering the shoulder of a bird
  2. garment consisting of a long wide piece of woolen cloth worn over the shoulders with an opening for the head; part of a monastic habit
  1. relating to or near the shoulder blade


  1. The distinct mantle and upper scapular lines are absent from both photos. 亚成鸟上背和肩羽处会有明显的白线,照片中没有。
  2. Objective To investigate the mechanism, diagnosis and treatment of the combination compression of dorsal scapular nerve and long thoracic nerve. 目的研究肩胛背神经合并胸长神经卡压的机理及其诊断和治疗。
  3. On the day of admission he experienced increasingly severe pain with radiation to the right scapular area and shoulders. 住院那天,他感到疼痛加剧,并且放射到右肩胛和肩部。
  4. Conclusions In treatment with flout shoulder injury,we should use inter-fixer in both scapular and clavicle,which ca... 结论对浮肩患者锁骨和肩胛骨均行内固定,有利于早期康复,防止关节僵硬。
  5. Conclusions The use of free scapular flaps in the treatment of cervical postburn scar contracture is an ideal method. 结论用肩胛皮瓣游离移植血管吻合术修复儿童颈部瘢痕挛缩畸形是一个较理想的方法。
  6. Distribution in the body trunk: The three yang meridians of hand run through the scapular part. ) 在躯干部的分布:手三阳经行于肩胛部。