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2024-02-07 15:55:16
美[skerɪ]  英[skeərɪ]
adj.  引起惊慌的
sp.  =scary.


  1. provoking fear terror;

    "a scary movie" "the most terrible and shuddery...tales of murder and revenge"


  1. I dont see scarey films. I certainly wouldnt go see my films. 我不看恐怖片。肯定也不会去看自己拍的片子。
  2. BJ,huh?Well,Im not going to tell you what my nickname is!Oh,here comes the professor.Whats this name,anyway?Scarey,or something like that? 对吧?我不会告诉你我的外号的!哦,教授来了!他叫什么来着?斯凯瑞?还是什么?
  3. If it happens to me, I would definetely look into this, I would want to know the truth, its just too scarey and dangerous. 不过; 平时总会有些蛛丝马迹.;郭晋安对他爱的人也是愿意付出;可是心术不正;一有事的话;这类人分分钟就是家暴的主角!
  4. BJ, huh? Well, Im not going to tell you what my nickname is! Oh, here comes the professor. Whats his name, anyway? Scarey, or something like that? 对吧?我不会告诉你我的外号的!哦,教授来了!他叫什么来着?“斯凯瑞”?还是什么?
  5. I packed all day,still think I have lots of things to carry. Even I know I am a brave girl, but somehow, I got a little bit scarey. 今天清了一天的行李,还是觉得带的东西不够,恨不得把家都搬过去。虽然我知道自己肚子里有一大堆的勇气,可是下意识里,还是有些怕的。
  6. I tried to not let you catch me while im using the computer cause im so scared of your scarey face and your lip moving, your voice sounding "Why you playing the computer? 我尝试不让你抓到正在用电脑的我,因为我怕了你可怕的脸,你的嘴在动,你的声音在响"为什么你在玩电脑?