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2024-02-07 16:03:17
美[skerɪfaɪ]  英[skærɪfaɪ]
v.  翻松(土地等);在(皮肤上)划痕
  名词:scarification  过去式:scarified  过去分词:scarified  现在分词:scarifying  第三人称单数:scarifies


  1. puncture and scar (the skin), as for purposes or tribal identification or rituals;

    "The men in some African tribes scarify their faces"

  2. scratch the surface of;

    "scarify seeds"

  3. break up;

    "scarify soil"


  1. Some African tribes scarify their faces. 一些非洲部落在脸上乱划。
  2. The men in some African tribes scarify their faces. 某些非洲部落里的男人在脸上刻痕。
  3. Tom contrived to scarify the cupboard with it, and was arranging to begin on the bureau, when he was called off to dress for Sunday-school. 汤姆拿这把刀在碗橱上乱刻了一阵,正准备在衣柜上动手的时候,却被唤去换衣服,准备上主日学校。
  4. In order to avoid grass growing vigorously, to scarify soil is very important, it should be deeply doing in Spring and ploughed up in Summer. 以免烂根生虫。栽植第一年,因栽前已施足底肥,一般不施肥。第二年开始,春节前11月份或春节后3月份追施第一次肥。开花后施第二次肥,以饼肥为最适宜,可穴肥,沟施和普施。
  5. EGYPT: Special tables are set before the houses of the peasants. People scarify beans, wheat and seedlings to god, praying for good harvest of the New Year. 埃及:农户在家门前摆上特制的桌子,把豆子,小麦和幼苗祭献给神,祈求新的一年收成好。
  6. In the Gulf of Mexico, trawlers ply back and forth year in year out, hauling vast nets that scarify the seabed and allow no time for plant and animal life to recover. 在墨西哥湾,拖网渔船年复一年来来往往地“辛勤”劳作,拖着巨大的渔网,刮破了海底,没有给动植物留下恢复的时间。