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2024-02-07 16:12:17
美[skeɪð]  英[skeɪð]
n.  危害;损伤;损害
vt.  损伤;伤害
  过去式:scathed  过去分词:scathed  现在分词:scathing  第三人称单数:scathes


  1. 损伤,损害,伤害
  2. 危害
  1. 严厉批评,痛斥
  2. <诗>伤害,损害,损伤
  3. 使枯萎


  1. the act of damaging something or someone


  1. This study put forward a systemic secure technic for domestic long distance natrual gas pipelines to reduce the scathe and influence farthest. 本选题的研究,将为国内天然气长输管道的安全运行提出一套比较系统的保障技术,将天然气长输管道事故的危害及影响降至最低。
  2. Objective:To study the clinical effect and side effect of Aescine Sodium Liniment and Mei De Xi Cream on sofe tissue scathe. 目的:比较研究七叶皂甙钠搽剂和美得喜乳膏治疗软组织损伤的临床疗效和安全性。
  3. "Though not without scathe. “尽管不是没有伤害。
  4. Waxes for Electron Wafer Binding: Waxes for Electron Wafer Binding,mainly used in precision process of micro electron wafer (U piece,S piece or SMD piece),excellent strong adhesive ability,no scathe to element ,cleanup easily after process. 电子晶片粘接蜡系列:主要用于微电子硅片或石英晶片(U片、S片或SMD片)的精密加工,具有极强的附着力,对元件无任何损伤,使用后易去除。
  5. This paper discusses the typical method of the research of the scathe of the bridge, conclude and analyze the evaluation of the carrying capacity after the bridge scathe, and indicate the study way of the scathe of bridge in the future. 摘要探讨目前对桥梁损伤研究的几种典型方法及其适用性,并对桥梁损伤后的承载能力的评估方法进行了归纳和分析,并指出桥梁损伤研究所遇到的问题和未来的研究方向。
  6. Keywords Kidney scathe;Cr;Nitrous oxide;NOS; 关键词肾脏损伤;肌酐;一氧化氮;一氧化氮合酶;