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2024-02-07 19:52:17
美[sɪntɪˌskæn]  英[sɪntɪskæn]
n.  [医]闪烁扫描


  1. Aiming at above problems, the objective of this experiment is to discuss correlation between indices of SPECT liver ASGP receptor scintiscan with the ligand of 99mTc - ASF and classical liver functional index, and sensitivity of those indices. 方法:以雄性Wistar大鼠为试验对象,建立四氯化碳肝硬化模型、肝脏不同比例部分切除模型,分别进行常规肝功能指标测定、吲哚氰绿储留率测定、肝脏ASGP受体核素扫描测定15min配体清除率(HH15)、受体指数(LHL15)、受体修正指数(MRI)、肝细胞 ASGP受体体外流式细胞仪(FCM)分析等,探讨各项指标的相关性及敏感性。
  2. gated cardiac blood pool scintiscan 门电路心脏血池闪烁扫描
  3. Estimation of surgical results of achalasia by gastro-esophageal scintiscan 核素显像对贲门失弛症手术疗效的评价
  4. thyroid scintiscan 甲状腺扫描
  5. iodocholesterol scintiscan 碘胆固醇闪烁扫描
  6. isotopic scintiscan 同位素闪烁扫描