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2024-02-07 20:09:16
美[sɪʒən]  英[sɪʒən]
n.  切断;分离;分裂


  1. the act of dividing by cutting or splitting


  1. The reaction of chain scission is first-order reaction. 白油的断链为一级反应。
  2. This derivation is only valid if no chain scission accompanies crosslinking. 这一关系式仅适用于交联时不伴有断链发生的情况。
  3. This derivation is only valid if no chain scission accompanies cross linking. 这一关系式仅适用于交联时不伴有断链发生的情况。
  4. The results show that chain scission and oxidation occurr in the whole reaction. 研究表明,白油在热氧老化过程中主要发生断链和氧化反应。
  5. The research on producing 10-hydroxy decanoic acid by alkaline scission of ricinolein acid is reviewed. 综述了碱热解蓖麻油酸合成10-羟基癸酸的开发研究进展。
  6. That means that in order to retain good properties and control Mooney viscosity of the products, this mixture chain scission system is preferred. 因此采用该体系可以达到在不影响产品性能的前提下;控制门尼粘度的目的.