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2024-02-07 20:21:16
美[sklɪəriːmə]  英[sklɪəriːmə]
n.  [医]硬化病


  1. The mortality rate of premature infants had close relation with gestational age, birth weight and sclerema neonatorum. 早产儿死亡率与孕周、体重密切相关,并发硬肿症者死亡率更高。
  2. After operation, wound infection happened in 2 cases, wound dehiscence in 1, pulmonary infection in 2, and sclerema in 2. 死亡病例均为重症,其中并发肺部感染者2例,并发硬肿症者1例,均为紧急手术者。
  3. The results showed that the fatal diseases to those infants were RDS. severe congenital malformation,perinatal asphyxia, tetanus, intracranical hemorrhage and sclerema neonatorum in proper order. 表明对低出生体重儿危害大的疾病依次为RDS、严重先天畸形、围产期窒息、破伤风、颅内出血及硬肿症。
  4. Keywords sclerema neonatorum;lanolin;massage; 硬肿症;新生儿;羊毛脂;按摩;
  5. Keywords nasal feeding;sclerema neonatorum;improved nasogastric tube; 关键词鼻饲;新生儿硬肿症;改良胃管;
  6. Keywords Infant;newborn;Sclerema;Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome; 婴儿;新生;硬肿症;多器官功能不全综合征;