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2024-02-07 20:53:17
美[sklɪrəs]  英[sklɪrəs]
adj.  硬化的


  1. Objective:To apply three-dimensional xray Cephalometric and 3D CT on detecting cranial and maxillofacial sclerous tissues and compare their advantages and disadvantages. 目的:运用三维X线头影测量与三维CT测量方法研究蒙古族正常牙合成年人的颅颌面硬组织形态,比较两种测量方法优缺点。
  2. In recent years, the application of implant supported denture are more and more widely, the treatment of sclerous tissues in implant surgery is fairly perfect. 近年来,种植义齿在临床上的应用越来越广泛,种植过程中硬组织处理技术已经相当成熟。
  3. Keywords F_2 fault;roadway;viscoelasticity;creep;sclerous layer; 2断层;巷道;粘弹性;蠕变;硬化层;
  4. Primary Study on the Relationship between the Cystoid Type and the Sclerous Type Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 囊泡型与硬化型多囊卵巢综合征关系的探讨
  5. sclerous tissues [医] 硬组织(软骨组织、纤维组织、骨组织)
  6. interstitial sclerous glossitis 间质硬化性舌炎, 克-福二氏舌炎