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2024-02-07 20:55:17
美  英
n.  置位时间计数器(副载波振荡器)


  1. Indicates how or why the learner left the SCO. 指出学习者如何、为什么退出。
  2. Indicates whether the learner has mastered the SCO. 表示学习者是否掌握了。
  3. As a new organization, the SCO has a long way to go. “上海合作组织”是一个新生事物,今后成长的路还很长。
  4. And the US "plus its allies" is boycotting the SCO conference. 而且"加上它的盟军"的美国(正在)抵制SCO会议.
  5. They say our days are numbered were not famous anymore, But Sco... 不是说不推荐天理不容么..那推荐个--...回应
  6. Communications between Nato and the SCO, however, are minimal. 然而,北约与上合组织之间的交流少得可怜。