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2024-02-07 21:20:17
美[skuːp]  英[skuːp]
n.  铲子;勺;舀取;穴;独家新闻
vt.  挖空;舀取;抢先报道(获得)
  名词:scooper  过去式:scooped  过去分词:scooped  现在分词:scooping  第三人称单数:scoops


  1. 戽斗
  2. 独家新闻
  3. 勺(子),大匙
  4. 铲斗
  5. 煤斗
  6. 勺形铲凿
  7. <美口>新闻的抢先报导
  8. 最新内幕消息
  9. 勺状物
  10. 【医】匙
  11. 捞(鱼)网
  12. 挡网【空】收集器
  13. 【机】洞
  1. 挖, 舀,掘,淘,剜
  2. 挖空, 舀空,淘空
  3. 抱起
  4. 挖出
  5. 挖成
  6. <口>搜集
  7. 拾起,拣起,拿起
  8. 通过淘挖而做成
  9. 扒进
  10. 大赚一笔
  11. 比...抢先登出特快消息,抢在(别家)之前报导新闻,抢先获得(新闻), 抢先登出
  12. 用勺舀,用铲子铲
  13. 获取,赢得
  14. 汲取,舀取
  15. 用折叠的纸板火柴皮来吸食可卡因或海洛因


  1. [C] 小铲;小勺 any of various containers or tools for holding and moving liquids or loose materials
  2. [C] 一勺〔铲〕之量 the amount held by any of these
  3. [C] (抢先刊载、播出的)独家新闻 a usually exciting news report printed,broadcast,etc. before ones competitors can do so
  1. vt. 用铲〔勺〕等挖(洞等) make (a hole,etc.) with or as if with a scoop
  2. vt. 抢先报道 (of a newspaper) make an important news report before (another newspaper)
  3. vt. 抢先获得,胜过 get ahead of or defeat,especially by being faster


  1. the quantity a scoop will hold
  2. a hollow concave shape made by removing something
  3. a news report that is reported first by one news organization;

    "he got a scoop on the bribery of city officials"

  4. street names for gamma hydroxybutyrate
  5. the shovel or bucket of a dredge or backhoe
  6. a large ladle;

    "he used a scoop to serve the ice cream"

  1. take out or up with or as if with a scoop;

    "scoop the sugar out of the container"

  2. get the better of;

    "the goal was to best the competition"


  1. he used a scoop to serve the ice cream.他用铲子来吃冰激凌。
  2. There are several scoops in my kitchen.我的厨房里有好几个勺子。
  3. The newspaper got a scoop on the airplane crash.该报独家报导了那次飞机失事。
  1. This small rodent can scoop a long , narrow tunnel in a very short time .这只海狸能在短时间内挖出一条长且窄的洞。
  2. You can scoop up more food from the bottom of a pot of soup.你盛汤的时候往下捞,锅底儿都是好东西。
  3. She scooped all the national newspapers to get the story.她抢在全国各报之前发表了这一消息。
  4. He scooped $1000 in the lottery.他在抽彩中捷足先登赢得1000美元。