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2024-02-07 21:39:16
美[skɔː]  英[skɔː(r)]
vt.  得分;获胜;刻划;划线;批评;给 ... 谱曲
n.  得分;刻痕;二十;乐谱
vi.  得分;记分;得胜
  名词:scorer  过去式:scored  过去分词:scored  现在分词:scoring  第三人称单数:scores


  1. 刻痕,伤痕
  2. 配乐,总谱
  3. 得分,分数,比分
  4. 真相
  5. 成绩
  6. 大量,很多
  7. 方面
  8. 起跑线
  9. 终点线
  10. 欠帐
  11. 宿怨
  12. <俚>买到手,得手
  13. 搭上
  14. 二十(个、人等)
  15. 斯科尔(音译名,是美国制造的通信卫星)
  1. =Service Corps of Retired Executives 退休官员勤务队
  1. 得分,使得分,得(分)
  2. 记(分),给…打分,给…评分
  3. 刻痕(于),做记号(于)
  4. 赢得,取得
  5. 为配乐
  6. <俚>非法弄到(毒品等)
  7. 划线(于)
  8. <俚>(男子与…)性交,诱奸,勾搭上性伴侣
  9. 得胜,成功
  10. 把…写成总谱,编总谱(包括各种乐器及各声部的乐谱)
  11. 严厉批评,训斥
  12. 取得优势,优于
  13. 划下痕迹,在...上作斫痕
  14. 挫败,驳倒
  15. 画掉,删去
  16. 定等级


  1. [C] 二十 set or group of twenty; very much
  2. [C] 得分,分数 number of points, goals, marks, etc.
  3. [C] 划痕,刻痕 cut, scratch or scrape on a surface
  1. vt. & vi. 得分 gain points, goals, etc.(in a sport, game, competition, examination, etc.)
  2. vi. 记分 record the score of a sports match as it is played


  1. a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a students performance);

    "she made good marks in algebra" "grade A milk" "what was your score on your homework?"

  2. a written form of a musical composition; parts for different instruments appear on separate staves on large pages;

    "he studied the score of the sonata"

  3. a number that expresses the accomplishment of a team or an individual in a game or contest;

    "the score was 7 to 0"

  4. a set of twenty members;

    "a score were sent out but only one returned"

  5. grounds;

    "dont do it on my account" "the paper was rejected on account of its length" "he tried to blame the victim but his success on that score was doubtful"

  6. the facts about an actual situation;

    "he didnt know the score"

  7. an amount due (as at a restaurant or bar);

    "add it to my score and Ill settle later"

  8. a slight surface cut (especially a notch that is made to keep a tally)
  9. a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation;

    "holding a grudge" "settling a score"

  10. the act of scoring in a game or sport;

    "the winning score came with less than a minute left to play"

  11. a seduction culminating in sexual intercourse;

    "calling his seduction of the girl a `score was a typical example of male slang"

  1. gain points in a game;

    "The home team scored many times" "He hit a home run" "He hit .300 in the past season"

  2. make small marks into the surface of;

    "score the clay before firing it"

  3. make underscoring marks
  4. write a musical score for
  5. induce to have sex;

    "Harry finally seduced Sally" "Did you score last night?" "Harry made Sally"

  6. get a certain number or letter indicating quality or performance;

    "She scored high on the SAT" "He scored a 200"

  7. assign a grade or rank to, according to ones evaluation;

    "grade tests" "score the SAT essays" "mark homework"


  1. achieve a score得分
  2. count a score计分
  3. get a score得分
  4. have a score得分
  5. keep the score记分
  6. level the score把比分扳平
  7. make a good score得分多
  8. mark the score记分
  9. know the score了解真相
  10. pay ones score付清账
  11. run up a score欠账
  12. wipe off an old score报宿怨,雪旧仇
  13. play a score弹奏乐谱
  14. write a score写一份乐谱
  1. close score比分接近
  2. even score相同的得分
  3. final score最后比分
  4. good score好分数
  5. perfect score满分
  6. the last score最后一分
  7. total score总分
  8. old score旧账,宿怨
  9. full score总谱
  1. baseball score棒球得分
  2. team score团体分
  3. orchestra score管弦乐谱
  4. piano score钢琴乐谱
  5. vocal score声乐谱,歌谱
  1. score to clear off要算清的旧债
  1. by a score以…的得分
  2. by scores不少,许多
  3. win by a score of ten to nine以十比九得胜
  4. on a score在某一方面
  5. on this score在这一点上
  1. score against胜过
  2. score for为…得分
  3. score for ones team为自己的队得分
  4. score over胜过
  5. score over a team赢了某个队
  6. score with受到…赞赏
  7. score with the boss受到老板的赞赏
  1. score five points赢了五分
  2. score one goal踢进一球
  1. score high得分高
  2. score low得分低
  3. score deftly熟练地记分
  4. score precisely准确地记分
  5. score repeatedly重复记分
  6. score off驳倒
  7. score out that last name把最后的那个名字划掉


  1. Hughes scored two goals before half-time.休斯在上半场进了两个球.
  2. The army continued to score successes in the south.军队在南方不断取得胜利。
  3. They scored the floor-boards by pushing furniture about.他们推动家具
  4. could you please score my name off?请把我的名字从名单中划掉好吗?
  5. Critics scored him for his foolishness.评论家批评他愚蠢。
  6. He learned how to score a musical composition.他学会了怎样谱曲。
  1. I recorded the score in a notebook.我在笔记本上记下了分数。
  2. There are deep scores on the rock.岩石上有深深的刻痕。
  3. He bought two score of apples yesterday.他昨天买了四十个苹果。
  4. Look at the score and try to play that song.看乐谱演奏一下那首曲子。
  5. This is continued until a complete score is written.这样一直继续到整个乐谱写完。
  1. The home team has yet to score.主队还没有得分.
  2. Who is going to score for both sides?谁来为双方记分?
  3. That is where you score over others.那是你优于别人的地方。


    score的基本意思是“二十”,由古代牧羊人清点羊数时从手指数到脚趾,每数到二十在树上划一个记号得来,因此引申可指“划痕,刻痕”“得分,分数”等。 score还可作“欠账; 宿怨; 乐曲,配乐; 真相”等解。 score作“二十”解时,有两个复数形式,即scorescores; scores of后接可数名词的复数形式,表示数量之多,而不表示具体的数目。
    score用作名词的意思是“(比赛一方得的)分数”,转化为动词则为“得分”。 score用作及物动词时,接名词作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为for/to介词短语(转化为to的较少见),可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,常跟副词out, up或介词for, over连用。