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2024-02-07 21:49:17
美[skoʊrɪə]  英[skɔːrɪə]
n.  熔渣;金属渣;火山渣
  形容词:scoriaceous  名词复数:scoriae


  1. 【冶】矿渣
  2. 【冶】金属渣
  3. 【地】火山渣
  4. 铁渣
  5. 铅析(法)渣
  6. 熔岩渣,熔岩灰
  7. 烧过的石头
  1. 由矿渣组成的


  1. the scum formed by oxidation at the surface of molten metals


  1. Studying the feasibility of using graphite scoria as filling material of expressway. 探讨采用石墨矿渣作为高速公路填筑材料的可行性。
  2. Among them fill of cement of special type of 425 low hot scoria I save gel a blank on material history. 其中425低热矿渣特种水泥填补了我省胶凝材料史上的一项空白。
  3. Rare earth original mine, final mine, tailing mine and scoria were formed in the course of produce and letting. 摘要稀土在生产和排放过程中形成的原矿、精矿、尾矿和矿渣都含有一定量的汞、铅和钍。
  4. The additions of the two kinds of cements are industry waste residues, such as slag, scoria and coal slag. 该两种水泥产品的混合材为炉渣、矿渣、煤矸石等工业废渣。
  5. Nonmetallic mineral resources and rocks such as beryllium, mica, lithium, clays, pumice, and scoria also occur in arid regions. 非金属矿资源和岩石如铍,云母,锂,粘土,轻石和铁渣也在干旱地区出现。
  6. Scoria silicate cement: By silicate cement grog, right amount bead changes interfuse to blast furnace scoria reachs gesso mill and be become. 火山灰质硅酸盐水泥: 由硅酸盐水泥熟料和火山灰质材料及石膏按比例混合磨细而成。