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2024-02-07 22:21:17
美[skətoʊmə]  英[skətəʊmə]
n.  暗点;盲点
  形容词:scotomatous  名词复数:scotomas


  1. an isolated area of diminished vision within the visual field


  1. And this one scotoma also is a good luck actually. 而这一盲点其实也是一个机遇。
  2. Visual field testing showed bilat. upper-nasal constriction and relative central scotoma. 视野有明显的鼻侧上部缺陷。
  3. She complained of decreased vision and a relative paracentral scotoma of her right eye. 一位二十二岁女性,其因玻璃体黄斑部牵扯症导致视野缺损而到眼科求诊。
  4. Visual-field defect: Blind spot (scotoma) or area in the normal field of vision. 视野缺损 : 正常视觉范围内的一个盲点或盲区。
  5. Visual-field defect: Blind spot (scotoma) or area in the normal field of vision. 视野缺损:正常视觉范围内的一个盲点或盲区。
  6. Legislative branch should study this kind of new issue, eliminate jural scotoma. 立法部门应研究这类新问题,消灭法律上的盲点。