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2024-02-07 23:01:17
美[skræmˌdʒet]  英[skræmdʒet]
n.  超音速冲压喷气发动机


  1. Hydrogen injection and scramjet ignition testing. 氢注入及冲压点火测试。
  2. Hypersonic propulsion test facility is important for the scramjet ground tests. 摘要高超声速推进风洞是进行超燃冲压发动机模型地面模拟的重要试验设备。
  3. The thermal environment of the scramjet strut leading edge is rigorous. 摘要在超燃冲压发动机工作过程中,支板前缘的热环境非常恶劣。
  4. As part of this effort, an integrated scramjet model is about to begin testing at up to Mach 5.6 in a new wind tunnel in Beijing. 作为该项工作的一部分,一个可达5.;6马赫的综合冲压模型即将在北京的一个新的风洞内开始测试。
  5. "The facility is to provide high enthalpy [thermal dynamic] model scramjet testing," he says. “该实验室将提供高焓值[热动力学]模型超燃冲压发动机测试,”他说。
  6. In this thesis, the scramjet nozzle has been designed and optimized by the method of characteristic line. 本文应用简易特征线方法对超燃冲压发动机尾喷管进行了优化设计。