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2024-02-08 00:18:17
美[skrɔːfjʊlə]  英[skrɒfjʊlə]
n.  [医]淋巴结核


  1. a form of tuberculosis characterized by swellings of the lymphatic glands


  1. Where to have sell inside disappear scrofula bolus? 哪里有卖内消瘰疬丸?
  2. Objective: To evaulate the result of operative treatment in superficial scrofula. 目的:明确手术方式治疗体表淋巴结结核的疗效。
  3. It is used for getting rid of stagnant phlegm, stopping cough, scrofula and boils. 适用于外感风邪,用于清肺散结,化痰止咳,瘰疬痰核,痈肿疮毒之证。
  4. Methods: A five-year review of 18 cases scrofula in maxillofacial region is presented. 方法:对18例颌面部淋巴结核的临床表现及诊治过程进行总结。
  5. FNAB is a kind of convenient and effective method to the diagnosis of scrofula in maxillofacial region. 细针吸取细胞学检查用于颌面部淋巴结核的确诊简便、有效。
  6. The roots are used for the treatment of scrofula, rupture, scabies, and internal fever. 根用于治疗淋巴结核,破裂,疥疮和内部的发烧。