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2024-02-08 00:57:16
美  英
n.  秘密控制站(暗盖板;硅可控开关)


  1. SCS staff will contact applicants in due course. 我们将于稍后与阁下联络。
  2. Turbine LCU is the base of core of SCS. 机组LCU是监控系统中的基础和核心部分。
  3. In addition, we discuss eddy generation mechanism in the SCS. 此外,本文还对南海涡旋的形成机理进行了探讨。
  4. Khan smart superbird scs personally, but also failed. 聪明的可汗亲自去捉神鸟,也是无功而返。
  5. Culture solution of SCs used DMEM/F12+10%FBS(fetus bovine serum ). 雪旺细胞的培养采用的培养液是DMEM/F12+10%25FBS(胎牛血清),用有丝分裂抑制剂(阿糖胞苷,Ara-C)去除或抑制成纤维细胞生长,用成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)使雪旺细胞得到进一步增殖。
  6. Absolute motion:motion of the moving point relative to the SCS. 绝对运动:动点对静系的运动。