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2024-02-08 01:08:17
美[skʌlər]  英[skʌlə(r)]
n.  摇桨;划船的人;比赛用的小艇


  1. someone who sculls (moves a long oar pivoted on the back of the boat to propel the boat forward)


  1. Please protect your card,dont scull,or fold. 请妥善保管好您的卡片,不要划伤、折痕。
  2. There is simply a scull out and a scull inward to just under the face. 显然,每次向外划水和每次向内划水刚好在水面下。
  3. Once you begin the insweep, scull your hands directly back toward the front. 一旦您开始做内划动作,直接向內后及胸前加速推水。
  4. Once you begin the in sweep, scull your hands directly back toward the front. 应该是把手摇回前方的意思,请各位高手再斟酌一下看看该怎么翻译。
  5. The "catch" phase of the stroke should utilize an out-and-downward scull with minimal force. 划臂的“抓水”阶段应该利用最小的力外下划。
  6. But a swimmer is neither like a racing shell (single, double scull, or whatever) nor a yacht. 但游泳运动员并不是赛艇,他们没有赛艇(无论是单桨,双桨还是其他的什么桨)那样的艇身。