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2024-02-08 01:39:17
美[skjuːtə]  英[skjuːtə]
n.  盾板(scutum的复数)


  1. Scutum has a fascinating history. 盾牌座的来历很精彩。
  2. SCUTA FM to thank all of our predecessors, the new-born care. 感谢SCUTA FM的各位前辈对我们新生的关心。
  3. Scutum is one of two constellations to be named after real people. 盾牌座是两个被人们命名的星座之一。后发星座被称为埃及女王。
  4. The very noticeable Teapot of Sagittarius is below Scutum. 人马座显而易见的‘茶壶’就位于它的正下方。
  5. Abstract: Objective : To.find material of curing scutum cataclasis. 摘 要: 目的探讨髌骨骨折内固定材料的临床应用。
  6. Zheng Xiaobo, President of Nanjing Agricultural University, were graduated from SCUTA. 国际知名的青年科学家、中国农业大学校长陈章良、南京农业大学校长郑小波就毕业于该校。