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2024-02-08 01:53:17
美[skʌtlbʌt]  英[skʌtlbʌt]
n.  饮水的容器;清水桶;船内饮水的地方;<俚>谣言;闲语


  1. a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people;

    "the divorce caused much gossip"


  1. All this scuttlebutt was laughed off as nonsense. 这些小道消息被当做一派胡言而一笑置之。
  2. The scuttlebutt in the office is that Tom is going to be fired. 办公室里有谣言说汤姆要被炒鱿鱼了。
  3. Now Ive heard a lot of scuttlebutt about a food shortage. 我听了很多关于食物短缺的闲话。
  4. Do you believe that scuttlebutt about Helen having an affair with her boss? 你相信关于海伦和她老板有恋情的谣言?
  5. According to the latest office scuttlebutt, our sales manager is planning on marrying our accountant next month. 最新的办公室流言说,我们的销售经理计划下月和公司的会计结婚。
  6. EXAMPLE: According to the lastest office scuttlebutt, our sales manager is planning on marrying our accountant next month. 最新的办公室流言说,我们的销售经理计划下个月和公司的会计结婚。