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2024-02-08 05:43:16
美[sedʒələs]  英[sedjʊləs]
adj.  勤勉的;勤苦工作的;聚精凝神的
  副词:sedulously  名词:sedulousness


  1. marked by care and persistent effort;

    "her assiduous attempts to learn French" "assiduous research" "sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles"


  1. Self-discipline required a sedulous work. 需要作出艰苦努力的自我约束
  2. Slef-discipline required a sedulous work. 需要作出艰苦努力的自我约束。
  3. There are many sedulous staffs worked at different post! 在各个部门,我们都有如此没计辛劳的员工奋战在第一线!
  4. Not be sedulous because of this element decorate ahead of schedule.Ms. 并不是因为这个因素而刻意提前装修。
  5. This iron the heart was done, not sedulous also ground does what SEO. 这回铁了心搞了,也不刻意地搞啥SEO了。
  6. I have thus played the sedulous ape to FIazhtt, to Lamb, to Wordsworth, to Defoe, to Hawthorne. 我曾经这样依样画葫芦地模仿过赫兹利特、兰姆、华兹华斯、笛福、霍桑。