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2024-02-08 06:06:16
美[siːl]  英[siːl]
v.  以线缝合(鹰等的)眼睑;<古>使盲;闭(眼)
  过去式:seeled  过去分词:seeled  现在分词:seeling  第三人称单数:seels


  1. <古>使盲
  2. 以线缝合眼睑
  3. 蒙住…的眼
  4. <古>闭
  5. 拿线缝
  6. 闭(眼睛)
  7. 使眼睛发花
  8. 蒙骗
  9. 使盲目
  10. 欺人眼目
  11. 弄瞎
  12. (训鹰时)以线缝合(鹰等的)眼睑
  1. Space Energy & Environment Laboratory 空间能量和环境实验室(日本多种科学试验平台)


  1. sew up the eyelids of hawks and falcons


  1. The outer sleeve is aluminium,the inner sleeve is hot-dip galvanized seel. 外管为铝制件、内管为热镀锌钢制件。
  2. The outer sleeve is aluminum , inner sleeve is hot-dip galvanized seel. 外管为铝制件,内管为热镀锌钢制件。
  3. Those merchants who would like to distribute to China should seel help directly from Spring/ G&P Shanghai. 有意在华经销的厂商请直接与广盛上海分所刘春泉律师联系寻求法律帮助。
  4. Ted Seel, a Cairo-based security expert, explains that the fee structure for the Suez Canal depends on the size, or more specifically the weight, in gross tons, of a ship. 特德.;西尔是一个开罗方面的安全专家;他解释说这些收费依据船只的大小;具体说就是吨位的大小
  5. There is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedy and survive, who can lose someone and still seel like a complete person. 人生的完整性还在于一个男人或者一个女人懂得这样一个道理:他(她)发现自己能够勇敢面对人生悲剧而继续生存,能够在失去亲人之后依然表现出一个完整的人的风范。
  6. We analysis the problem in the process of producting about steel -ingot -train in the first seel rolling mill of T.G.bring up the treatment measure,and require beffer effeet by improving technology. 针对太钢初轧厂钢锭车在生产中存在的问题进行了分析,提出处理措施,并通过技术改造取得了较好的效果。