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2024-02-08 06:33:16
美[segrɪgənt]  英[segrɪgænt]
v.  隔离


  1. Near-isogenic lines and bulked segregant analysis are the main strategies for RAPD tagging of plant traits. 近等基因系、混合分离群体法是RAPD标记的主要策略。
  2. In addition, a yellow seed DH population containing 127 DH lines and a seed weight segregant DH population containing 115 DH lines were constructed. 此外还成功构建了含127个DH系的黄籽油菜DH群体及含115个DH系的粒重分 离 体。
  3. Based on the F 2 population of hybrid Aus 373/Lunhui 422, fertile and semisterile pools were set up by bulked segregant analysis. 以Aus373/轮回422F2群体为基础,应用分群分析法(BSA)建立可育池和半不育池。
  4. The CMS line 681 A, the restorer 714 and FI populations of 681 AX 714 consisting of 110 plants were used for molecular mapping of the restorer gene by bulk segregant analysis(BSA). 2 以甘蓝型油菜CMS系681A、恢复系714及其组合681A×714 F_2群体110株为材料,利用群分法(BSA法)进行细胞质雄性不育恢复基因定位。
  5. Bulked segregant analysis (BSA) was adapted to identify RAPD markers linked to dwarf gene Dsl. Totally 1041 primers were screened and only one polymorphic band S470.416 was found linked to the Dsl locus with a map distance of 9.2 cM. 采用群分法(BSA)筛选了1041条RAPD引物,找到了一个与Ds1基因连锁的RAPD标记S470.;416,与Ds1的遗传距离为9
  6. Bulked segregant analysis (BSA) as a classical method for rapidly and effectively identifying markers linked to any specific gene or genomic region was widely used in crop breeding study. 集群分离分析法是快速有效地寻找与目的基因紧密连锁分子标记的经典方法,广泛应用于作物育种中。