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2024-02-08 06:52:17
美[seɪnjərɪdʒ]  英[seɪnjərɪdʒ]
n.  君主特权;货币铸造税


  1. China needs decreasing USD reserves to reduce seignorage exploitation and advancing RMB Internationalization to share seignorage globally. 我国应通过美元储备的替代来减少国际铸币税剥削,同时推进人民币的国际化以分享国际铸币税收益。
  2. First, Japan used its national power to exclude other currencies and reap the benefits of monopolizing money issues: thus called seignorage. 首先是以国家权力排除其他货币,独占在台湾的货币发行权;接著以国家权力保证货币的信用,促进货币的流通;
  3. Substitution to banknote in circulation and the reserves of Central Bank, it will have a certain impact on seignorage of Central Bank. 电子货币的广泛使用使得货币乘数的可测性和可控性受到影响,因此利率将成为未来货币政策中介目标的主流选择。
  4. In a situation that the seignorage drops and causes a large amount of profits to reduce, the independence of Central Bank will receive great influence. 从存款准备金方面看,电子货币的使用降低了法定准备金的作用力度和影响范围,同时电子货币的使用直接冲击法定准备金率这个工具的前提。
  5. Central banks or their government shareholders enjoy a steady stream of profit from the issue of currency in the form of notes and coin the so-called seignorage. 中央银行或作为中央银行股东的政府,可从发行纸币及硬币获得源源不绝的稳定盈利,即所谓造币收益。