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2024-02-08 06:53:16
美[siːnjoʊrɪəl]  英[siːnjəʊrɪəl]
adj.  领主的


  1. This palace was a genuine seignorial residence. 那确是一座华贵的府第。
  2. She vaguely knew that there was a store of “seignorial corn,” and that it was sometimes given to the peasants. 她模糊地知道,并且听到人家说,地主家都有储备粮,那是给农民备荒的。
  3. She began to question Dronushka about the peasants needs, and to ask whether there was a “seignorial store” at Bogutcharovo. 她向德龙努什卡详细询问农民的急需,并且询问博古恰罗沃的地主储备粮的情况。
  4. seignorial economy in Frankish country 法兰克国家的封建领地制经济
  5. seignorial system of the Dai nationality in Xishuangbanna 西双版纳傣族封建领主制
  6. It was a seignorial garden in the first French style which preceded Le Notre; 那是一种贵人的花园,它那格局是最早的法国式,比勒诺特尔式还早,现在已经荒废,荆棘丛生。