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2024-02-08 07:03:17
美[saɪzmɪzəm]  英[saɪzmɪzəm]
n.  地震现象


  1. Researches have been mainly focused on wind resisting of those structures, while the researches on seismism resisting are little. 针对这种结构的研究,以往大多侧重于其抗风性能,而对于其抗震性能的研究较少。
  2. The controlling factors and processes examined in the present paper consist of rock fabrics,geothermal field,abnormal high pressure,deposition,diagenesis,tectonism and seismism. 许多因素、作用对于沉积盆地这个巨大的化学反应器而言,可能是同时发生、协同作用,或某一参数占主导。
  3. The writer affirms the lofly historical position of Zhang Hengs direction as the first seismism in the world,and hopes that the paper may be useful for one to grasp... 从而肯定了张衡作为世界地震仪的最早发明者的崇高地位。又指出:某些人不吃透张衡地动仪设计思路,贸然提出任意增添部件的设想,却以“复原张衡地动仪”为名,发表论文,有损张衡声誉。
  4. It is rare among the reported examples about such complete sequence of seismite in one Wells core, so it is a good example and offers power evidences to study seismism. 如此完整地震序列在同一口井岩芯中同时出现实属罕见,为进一步深入研究古地震作用提供了良好的物质组合。
  5. time-lapse seismism 时移地震